A Guide to Cooking Healthily in Large Quantities

From the Introduction:
At the North Carolina Council of Churches’ Partners in Health and Wholeness Program, we want to help people of faith and congregations become healthier. What better way to help people become healthier than by helping them prepare healthy foods? Not only do we want to show you how to cook healthy foods at home, we want to offer you recipes to use at church events, too. Our objective with this cookbook is to highlight healthy recipes for large groups. Our hope is that you will use these recipes to help feed your parishes, that they might receive spiritual and bodily nourishment at church. God calls us to feed our bodies, minds and souls. May these recipes, and the prayers which accompany them, strengthen your body and give you the energy you need to get through all the activities in your daily life.
A publication of the North Carolina Council of Churches’ Partners in Health & Wholeness Program.