In an op-ed, published in USA Today, Mallory McDuff offers an enticing look at the popular book and movie, Eat, Pray, Love, through the eyes of a Christian environmentalist. McDuff is the author of Natural Saints: How People of Faith are Working to Save God’s Earth and she teaches at Warren Wilson College. The Council will have Mallory McDuff as a workshop leader at the 2010 Critical Issues Seminar, October14. The Op-Ed begins:
This summer I’ve been waiting for the opening of the movie Eat, Pray, Love with an anticipation that is a bit different from my hope that Congress would find effective strategies to address climate change. The difference? I don’t think I’ll be disappointed with the movie’s ending.
I’m a Christian, an environmentalist, an academic and a pop-culture junkie. And I think the three verbs in the movie’s title — eat, pray, love — might provide direction for the thousands of believers from diverse faith traditions who advocated for a religious response to global warming in three stories that unfolded this summer.
To read the op-ed, click here.