Focus Text: Psalm 78:1-4, 12-16
We will tell to the coming generation the glorious deeds of the LORD, and [the LORD’s] might, and the wonders that [the LORD] has done.
Pastoral Reflection by Rev. Tom Tate, Plaza Presbyterian Church (Charlotte); Member, Board of Education of the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools
This is the purpose of education wherever it takes place, moving beyond rote repetition to provide each learner the possibility of a future better than what might otherwise be expected. Psalm 78 invites humility, gratitude, and “the exercise of power in the form of love, not of force.”
Key Fact
National graduation rates also vary by race. Among minority students, only 57.8 percent of Hispanic, 53.4 percent of African American, and 49.3 percent of American Indian and Alaska Native students in the U.S. graduate with a regular diploma, compared to 76.2 percent of white students and 80.2 percent of Asian Americans.
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