Join us for the 2012 Conference on the Common Good sponsored by the Council’s Christian Unity Committee. The Conference is co-sponsored by The Ecumenical Institute of he Carolinas and The Catholic Community of St. Francis of Assisi. The title of this year’s gathering is Catholic Social Teaching: A Vision for the Common Good. It takes place Monday, February 20 at Raleigh’s Highland United Methodist Church from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Registration is $25.00, which includes lunch. You can register electronically simply by making payment to PayPal and submitting the brief information required there. To pay through PayPal, click here.
You can register by mail, sending your check to NC Council of Churches, 27 Horne Street, Raleigh, NC 27607. Checks should be made payable to the “North Carolina Council of Churches.” You must preregister to guarantee a place at the table, and you need to prepay to guarantee yourself food at lunchtime!
Directions to Highland United Methodist Church (1901) Ridge Road) are available at
The standard and guide for Roman Catholic approaches to social justice for the last hundred years was set by a Papal Encyclical near the turn of the 20th Century. Centesimus Annus celebrates the 100th anniversary of that document and restates its teachings for our generation. It is a comprehensive summary of social and economic justice perspectives that resonate with Christians of every denomination. Rev. Dr. Brian Johnstone, Professor of Moral Theology at Catholic University of America in Washington, DC, will be our guest speaker and leader. It will be a unique opportunity to engage each other across confessional lines on issues that concern and affect us all. We hope you will be with us for an engaging and critical conversation.
–Rollin Russell, Volunteer Program Associate for Christian Unity