We are happy to announce that the North Carolina Council of Churches’ Partners in Health and Wholeness (PHW) Initiative has received continued support from the Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina Foundation. This enables PHW’s continued work to improve the health of clergy and congregants through faith-based health promotion over the next three years. And, boy, do we have a lot in store for you! To illustrate, we will offer mini-grants to Bronze, Silver and Gold PHW-certified congregations in 2012, as long as funds last. We will also invite clergy from across the state to join a Faith and Health Leadership Council to learn more about the spiritual relevance of leading a healthy lifestyle. Those clergy who decide to participate will also receive tips on how to effectively address the health needs of congregants without compromising their own health due to stress or pastoral overload.
Governor Bev Perdue is even showing her support by mailing letters to our 2012 PHW-certified congregations thanking them for prioritizing the health of their members and for making North Carolina a healthier place to live. PHW is also partnering with Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina, the American Red Cross Health and Safety Services of North Carolina, and Representative Becky Carney to reduce the number of deaths from sudden cardiac arrest by providing free Automated External Defibrillators and CPR trainings to places of worship across the state.
Our staff is both humbled and inspired by the outpouring of support we’ve received thus far. And we look forward to establishing new and stronger partnerships with faith and health allies alike, so that, together, we can make North Carolina a healthier place to live, work, play and pray.
Please stay tuned for more.
–Willona Stallings, PHW Program Coordinator