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Presented in partnership with Cooperative Baptist Fellowship – NC.
This is a fully bilingual event (English & Spanish). Details in English are below.
Download the bilingual event flyer here.
Event Details:
Friday, October 12
United Church of Chapel Hill
1321 Martin Luther King Junior Blvd
Chapel Hill, NC 27514
Cost: $10. Registration includes lunch. Limited scholarships available.
Metas de la conferencia:
- Ofrecer una reunión ecuménica a nivel estatal única para los líderes de fe que trabajen principalmente con congregaciones de inmigrantes;
- Ayudar a equipar a estos líderes para hacer frente a los desafíos que afrontan diariamente sus congregaciones, especialmente los relacionados con su condición de inmigración;
- Proporcionar un espacio para crear redes y compartir buenas prácticas;
- Capacitar a los aliados de los derechos de los inmigrantes, especialmente en las comunidades de fe, a organizarse y movilizarse con respecto a aspectos de inmigración.
Listado de talleres:
- Inmigración 101
- Detención y los programas locales de ejecución de la ley
- Proteger a los trabajadores inmigrantes
- Legislación y cabildeo: Washington DC
- Legislación y cabildeo: Carolina del Norte
- Educación para todos: Movimiento de jóvenes inmigrante
- Nuevos paradigmas para el ministerio hispano/latino
- Q&A: Ministerio con los indocumentados
- Panel de discusión de la Unidad Negra/Marrón
The 2012 Summit promises to accomplish four main goals:
- Offer a unique statewide, ecumenical gathering for faith leaders who work primarily with immigrant congregations;
- Help equip these faith leaders to deal with the daily challenges faced by their congregations, especially related to their immigration status;
- Provide a space for networking and sharing of best practices;
- Train immigrant rights allies, especially in faith communities, to organize and mobilize around immigration issues.
Keynote Address: Rev. Ismael Ruiz-Millán, Director of the Hispanic House of Studies at Duke Divinity School
Here’s a list of the day’s workshops (note: you can mix and match workshops from different tracks):
Immigration & Enforcement Track
- Immigration 101 (Gerry Chapman, Immigration Attorney; and Hans Christian Linnartz, Professor of Immigration Law at Duke Law School)
- Detention and Local Enforcement Programs (Hannah Gill, UNC Chapel Hill)
- Protecting Immigrant Workers (Kate Woomer-Deters, NC Justice Center)
Advocacy And Base-Building Track
- Federal Legislation & Lobbying (Jen Smyers, Church World Service)
- North Carolina Legislation & Lobbying (Mauricio Castro, NC Latino Coalition)
- Education for All: Immigrant Youth Movements (Ramón Zepeda, Student Action with Farmworkers)
Ministry With Immigrants Track
- New Paradigms for Hispanic/Latino Ministry (Olivia Wakefield, Baptist Fellowship of Angier; and Rev. Hector Villanueva, Iglesia Bautista La Roca in Siler City, NC)
- Q&A: Ministry With the Undocumented (David Fraccaro, FaithAction International House)
- Black/Brown Unity Panel Discussion (TBA)
Everyone who submitted an evaluation said they would “recommend a similar event” and that they would “come back” to next year’s Summit. Here’s what we heard after last year’s Summit in Winston-Salem:
“I am new to getting involved in these areas and I got a terrific background in the subjects above. I thoroughly enjoyed it and greatly appreciated the breakfast and lunch. Thank you for a lovely and informative day in beautiful surroundings. God is good.”
- 8:30-9:00 – Registration, Networking & Coffee
- 9:00-9:15 – Welcome Message
- 9:15-9:45 – Keynote Address by Rev. Ismael Ruiz-Millán
- 10:00-11:15 – Workshops
- Immigration 101
- North Carolina Legislation & Lobbying
- New Paradigms for Hispanic/Latino Ministry
- 11:30-12:45 – Workshops
- Detention and Local Enforcement Programs
- Education for All: Immigrant Youth Movements
- Q&A: Ministry With the Undocumented
- 12:45-2:00 – Lunch & Networking
- 2:15-3:30 – Workshops
- Protecting Immigrant Workers
- Federal Legislation & Lobbying
- Black/Brown Unity Panel Discussion
- 3:45-4:00 – Closing Plenary