Our friend Carolyn King passed on Tuesday evening after a long “medical adventure” (to use Sr. Evelyn Mattern’s term) with cancer. She and her husband Cy have been leaders in the work for peace and justice for decades. Because of that history, they received the Council’s Distinguished Service Award in 2009. If you didn’t know Carolyn, her obituary will give you a picture of her life. Even if you did know Carolyn, you’ll want to read Jim Jenkins’ tribute to her from this morning’s News & Observer.
The Council joins in celebrating Carolyn’s long and rich life, those whose lives she touched directly, and the ways in which our community and our world are better places because of her and Cy. And we grieve with Cy, Edward, Cyrus, and all of Carolyn’s loved ones at their loss.
Her service will be this Saturday, October 6, at 3 p.m. at the Community United Church of Christ in Raleigh.
— George Reed, Executive Director