Experiencing Food Day across the nation was a big success. Many people came together to celebrate healthy, sustainable, affordable, and fair food. The real success, that we can have a system that is healthy, sustainable, affordable, and fair, comes through the actions you and I take. But for now, working to bring awareness and the necessary changes to our food system is what people across the nation, including North Carolina, did on October 24. Partners in Health and Wholeness wanted to engage people in a flash mob, a fun way to work in physical activity while we are bringing awareness to the mission of Food Day.
A big thank you to all who helped make the NC flash mob a success! With your help, more than 350 people participated in making the flash mob fun and engaging. Groups ranged from Sandhills Theatre Arts Renaissance School in Moore County, Durham Academy in Durham County, Paradigm Dance Group and UNCG Dance Students in Guilford County, Greater Glory Church in Scotland County, The Cedar in Montgomery County, Steppers With Attitude in Robeson County, and New Life Covenant Fellowship Church in Cumberland County, along with many others helped to spread the word across the state. We more than tripled are goal of 100 participants. Thank you to the many organizations who posted it on different social media sites, web sites, and the like. We had more than 500 hits on the youtube link. Thank You—the flash mob was a success because people like you helped make it so!
Two new churches were certified through this process, with more than sixty people making a pledge to be healthier. This also includes partnering with new organizations in the future to help connect all the good work that is happening. If you would like to sign the pledge to take one step to being healthier, please do so electronically.
We are already planning to make next year’s Food Day a fun event. Keep posted to hear the latest on how Oct. 24, 2013 will be celebrated by contacting joy@ncchurches.org.
Thank you several times over!
–Joy Williams, PHW Regional Consultant
Partners in Health and Wholeness is an initiative of the North Carolina Council of Churches. PHW aims to connect health as a faith issue. Please visit our website to sign your personal pledge to be healthier, and to find out about grant opportunities for churches in NC.