Since 2010, NCIPL has encouraged individuals and faith communities to participate in the national Preach-In on Global Warming. The Preach-In allows faith communities across the nation to coordinate their message of profound concern to lawmakers.
This year the Preach-In will be February 8-10 and National IPL has chosen the following focus:
Following his re-election, President Obama pledged to work for an America “that isn’t threatened by the destructive power of a warming planet,” so as our advocacy focus for 2013, we will ask him to make climate protection a priority. We’ll also help congregants learn about climate-driven threats to vulnerable communities worldwide.
How your congregation chooses to participate is completely up to you. Some congregations sign and send Valentines to the Senators’ offices; one congregation actually hand-delivered them to Raleigh one year. Other pastors will focus their sermon on climate change or show an educational film sometime during the weekend. One denomination hosted a full-day symposium open to multiple congregations. The possibilities are endless and the impact is huge, so please make sure that your congregation saves the date.
Pre-registration is now available and is open to both clergy and lay leaders. Sign your congregation up today to receive several free resources in preparation for this exciting weekend.
–Allison Reeves Jolley, NCIPL Volunteer and Outreach Coordinator