If you are interested in reducing your congregation’s utility bills, increasing your congregation’s efforts to care for creation, and taking a positive action in response to climate change, we invite you to participate in NCIPL’s upcoming webinar, How to Obtain a Free NCIPL Energy Savings Analysis for your Congregation.
The webinar will be on Tuesday, March 12, from 11-11:30 a.m. Registration is required.
NCIPL offers professional-level energy savings analyses (“energy audits”) for congregations at no charge. These analyses can help you and your congregation better understand how your building uses energy and how to reduce that usage. Participants receive low and no-cost recommendations that will help save money and reduce the amount of greenhouse gases that their buildings emit. The process to receive an energy savings analysis is simple, and we have several professional energy experts around the state waiting for more assignments. Again, this service is offered at no cost to congregations.
NCIPL only offers audits to congregations, not for residential spaces. Congregants can apply lessons learned through their congregational audits at home and can also consider a similar analysis from one of the agencies in their area that covers homes. NCIPL does not endorse any specific organization that performs residential energy savings analyses.
–Allison Reeves Jolley, NCIPL Volunteer & Outreach Coordinator
North Carolina Interfaith Power & Light (NCIPL) is a program of the North Carolina Council of Churches. NCIPL works with faith communities to address the causes and consequences of global climate change and promote practical, hope-filled responses through education, outreach, and public policy advocacy. Please visit our website for information on our current programs, campaigns, and events.