On Maundy Thursday of Holy Week, the Raleigh News & Observer published a powerful full-length editorial in support of humane immigration reform by two of North Carolina’s leading religious figures, Bishop Michael Burbidge of the Catholic Diocese of Raleigh and Bishop Michael Curry of the Episcopal Diocese of NC.
Together, the bishops specifically called on Senator Burr and Senator Hagan to support “humane and comprehensive reforms that fix the system and offer a reasonable roadmap to citizenship for undocumented Americans currently living in the shadows.” They also reminded us of Senator Hagan’s vote against the DREAM Act in 2010, which she opposed because she wanted to see a more comprehensive reform. As the bishops said, “That moment is here.” They continued by saying:
The immigrants living in the United States today have come here motivated by the same thing that motivates all of us: to pursue a better life for their families. They work hard, they contribute to our communities, they go to church and they share the values we hold most dear…
During Lent, we focus on the theme of repentance and what it means to change our ways and do right by God. As we observe Good Friday today, we recognize the suffering so many people have endured as a result of our broken immigration system: deaths in the desert, years in detention awaiting an immigration hearing, children left without parents and a class of people marginalized to the shadows. It is time to stop the suffering and to prepare for that Easter moment of transformation to new life.
Please join us in calling on our elected officials to enact humane comprehensive immigration reform that will lead to a path to citizenship for all who seek it and allow families to unite in optimism and celebration of American possibility. Let us work together in creating an immigration policy that will uphold the rule of law, preserve family unity and protect the human rights and dignity of the person.
The moment is here indeed. Congress might not have another serious chance to reform our broken immigration system for years. Though serious obstacles remain, political momentum and grassroots support is clearly on the side of reform. Faith communities across the board are taking bold leadership: meeting with members of Congress, preaching about immigration from the pulpit, serving countless immigrants and refugees at the local level, even sponsoring ads to help inform the public about the need for humane immigration reform.
Last month saw the results of one of the largest surveys ever on the public’s attitudes towards immigration. The results? “Overall we were surprised by the breadth of support for immigration reform among political parties, ideologies, and religious groups,” said William Galston, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution who’s also a former policy advisor to President Clinton. “Given that it’s been polarized for so long.”
According to the Rev. Samuel Rodriguez, president of the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference and the Hispanic Evangelical Association, the PRRI-Brookings survey “serves as a confirmation that the majority of Americans from both political streams and every major faith affiliation support comprehensive immigration reform.”
Will you take action to make sure our Senators hear your support? Make two quick phone calls today:
- Sen. Hagan – (202) 224-6342
- Sen. Burr – (202) 224-3154