Saturday, June 8, 2013
9 AM — Noon
Durham Mennonite Church
603 Lynn Road, Durham, NC
Free and open to the public
RSVP on Facebook
Join us for an amazing Saturday morning seminar focused on immigration issues. This is an exciting time, with Congress considering comprehensive immigration reform, and we have partnered with the Mennonite Church to bring you this wonderful seminar.
Ann Robertson
An immigration attorney from Raleigh, NC, and a UNC law school graduate, Ms Robertson is a board certified specialist in immigration law, with expertise in both state and national law.
Isabel Castillo
A graduate of Eastern Mennonite University, Ms Castillo is an undocumented activist, founder of Dream Activist Virginia and co-founder of the National Immigrant Youth Alliance.
And a panel of local activists, including:
Jackie Aguilar
NC DREAM Team activist
Mauricio Castro
Organizer at NC Latino Coalition
Raul Pinto
Attorney at ACLU-NC