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By Chris Liu-Beers for the Durham Herald-Sun
Everyone knows that our immigration system is broken. With millions of undocumented immigrants living in the shadows, the status quo isn’t working for families, workers, honest employers or even the U.S. government.
Earlier this summer the U.S. Senate passed a version of comprehensive immigration reform that will benefit millions of immigrant families and make our communities stronger. The U.S. House of Representatives, however, seems set on trying to avoid this commonsense solution and instead pursue piecemeal, punitive efforts.
On Sunday August 25, about a hundred Durham residents and faith leaders from seven different traditions gathered at the People’s Plaza to pray for our elected officials. As people with different stories, different colors of skin, even different faiths, we were united in our hope that Rep. Butterfield, Rep. Coble, Rep. Price and their colleagues in the House will support a just and moral immigration reform that offers a pathway to citizenship, unifies families, supports workers, and moves us forward together.
Here in Durham and across the state, faith communities are first responders in the midst of this immigration crisis and we will continue to fight every day until real reform is enacted.
Read the Herald-Sun’s front page article about the prayer vigil here.