Thank you for joining the Partners in Health and Wholeness Book Club. You can officially sign-up here. Through it, we hope to engage people of faith in discussions over why our health matters. Our current choice of reading is “Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire” by Jim Cymbala. We are posting updates through the PHW Facebook page, but our PHW blog page has the discussion posts in full with responses from staff. Just look for the apple on top of the book picture among the blog post pictures and you will find past Book Club entries.
Cymbala concludes this book with a call for us to be quiet warriors, much like the “mighty men” of King David. These mighty men of King David are listed in 1 Chronicles 11, as Cymbala reminds us. What a line up of bravery: one man raising a spear against three hundred men and another standing in the line of battle when other fighters coiled under the pressure and fled — amazing.
But it is not about the blood shed—no, it is about the power of the Lord working through these warriors. It was about how these warriors believed in the victory the Lord would bring if they took action.
They were headstrong in following the ways of the Lord. They were unwavering in their prayer. They were immovable in their faith-rooted actions. They were mighty warriors, and the results of their actions were really the results of their steadfast hearts.
I am encouraged to be like these mighty men. To be steadfast in praying, believing in the power of the Lord, and I must know that with each action taken towards being healthy, victory is near.
Question (excerpted from book):
What is it really that stops us from becoming mighty warriors in the Lord?
–Joy Williams, PHW Regional Consultant
Partners in Health and Wholeness is an initiative of the North Carolina Council of Churches. PHW aims to connect health as a faith issue. Please visit our website to sign your personal pledge to be healthier, and to find out about grant opportunities for places of worship in NC.