We are honored to be the recipient of the Bronze mini-grant award in the amount of $500. Under the leadership and guidance of Elder Jerry Jones, the membership of Zion Wall has consented to the Partners in Health and Wholeness (PHW) Congregational Pledge.
We formed the First Responders-Hospitality-PHW Committee in February of this year. The committee consists of 12 members. Our charge is to provide information and guidance to enhance the knowledge base and understanding necessary to promote healthier, more fulfilling lifestyles.
To my surprise, one Sunday morning as our Pastor was speaking, he asked the congregation to stand and lift our arms high into the sky, to reach for the blessing that the Lord has stored for us; to move our arms from the left and to the right in unison. I was elated to be a part of this activity because it indicated to me that our Pastor had read some of the initiatives suggested in the PHW literature. It further assured me of our commitment to developing a healthier congregation.
Zion Wall is committed to providing healthier food options in our dining hall. Recently, we celebrated our Pastor’s 7th Anniversary with morning services followed by a well-balanced dinner which included bottled water, fresh fruit trays and non-fried vegetables.
Beginning the third Sunday in April, we started providing healthy living inserts during our morning program. The inserts are provided each third Sunday of the month. We are currently setting up a Health Education and Information area in our church library. Thus far, we have printed literature covering health topics such as Heart Disease, Diabetes, Strike, Cancers, Obesity, Mental Health topics and more. We will provide short presentations quarterly also highlighting various health topics.
The PHW committee received CPR training on Saturday, April 13. Cardiopulmonary training will be offered at a later date to other members who desire CPR training. Tobacco-free zone signs will also be placed on the church grounds.
The success story above was submitted by Janice Elliott, PHW Liaison at Zion Wall Free Will Baptist Church in Linden, and under the leadership of Elder Jerry Jones. If your congregation would like to put your faith into action by prioritizing the health of your members, please visit the PHW website at www.healthandwholeness.org.
-Willona Stallings, PHW Program Coordinator