Tabernacle of Deliverance is a non-denominational church located in a low socioeconomic community that strives to promote health and wellness along with spiritual guidance to those residing in the community. Programs targeted at at-risk youth are encouraged and implemented, including education on gang violence, teen pregnancy, substance abuse (drugs, alcohol and tobacco), and health and wellness.
Monthly events are held where literature on each topic area mentioned above is distributed. Events such as our End-of-School Bash, Women’s Conference, Men’s Conference, Youth Conference, Back-to-School Bash and Community Outreach Day also include healthy meals and snacks (fruits and vegetables, reduced salt, no fried foods, sugar substitutes, etc.).
The month of January is our Month of Consecration in which we encourage all members to avoid fried foods, sugars, bread and soft drinks and to replace those items with water, fruits and vegetables. Literature on fasting and consecration is given to members along with a daily scripture reading to aid in strengthening the spirit. This is done voluntarily and we have seen an increase in participation over the last two years. As a result of this, more members are eating more fruits and vegetables on a regular basis.
The success story above was submitted by Betty Joyner, PHW Liaison at Tabernacle of Deliverance Church in Rocky Mount, and under the leadership of Pastor Juanita Phillips. If your congregation would like to put your faith into action by prioritizing the health of your members, please visit the PHW website at
-Willona Stallings, PHW Program Coordinator