Thank you for joining the Partners in Health and Wholeness Book Club. You can officially sign-up here. Through it, we hope to engage people of faith in discussions over why our health matters. Just look for the picture of the apple on the books and you will find past Book Club entries. Our current choice of reading is “The Circle Maker” by Mark Batterson.
While prayer is not a replacement for good health choices and appropriate medical care, as people of faith, we believe prayer plays an essential role in our lives. In addition, studies have shown it can improve medical outcomes and that it boosts physical and emotional health.
I love how my idea of prayer for health changes is getting challenged through this book. The take-home message of Chapter Four is to pray through circumstances. As my dad is going through his health changes, I’m praying for renewed organs, knowledge for the doctors, wisdom for all decision makers, peace and comfort for my dad, and so much more. And I’m praying this prayer while praying specifically for his kidneys, heart, brain function, and swallowing muscles.
Batterson tells me to pray through this health circumstance and the process that it will take, but not to stop there. The author encourages changing my prayer to praise, and that I should believe that the Lord is faithful to the Word. Which means thanking the Lord for bringing divine healing and complete restoration.
For you, what might this mean in your health journey? You might consider taking a moment to fill out our health survey to let us know of your health journey that prayer has supported.