I was baptized a Baptist as a child, confirmed an Episcopalian as an adult. I stood by as three of my own dozed through being “marked as Christ’s own forever” and have attended a multitude of services in other churches as the babies and children of friends were welcomed into the family of God.
Here’s what I know about baptism – it is about joy and grace, a new and pure beginning for a beloved child of God.
Here’s what I know about torture – it is ugly and brutal with the intent to dehumanize. It is about as far from sacramental religion as any act can be.
I don’t know what motivated Sarah Palin in her remarks and cannot begin to understand them, but I encourage you to join with our friends at Faithful America in their efforts below:
In a speech Saturday to the National Rifle Association, Sarah Palin said that “if I were in charge, they would know that waterboarding is how we baptize terrorists.” The audience roared with approval.
This is what we’ve come to in America: A former candidate for vice-president can equate torture and Holy Baptism, and one of the nation’s most powerful political lobbies erupts into cheers and applause.
As usual, Palin’s remarks are already making international headlines, once again portraying Christianity as a religion of hatred and violence. But this time, let’s show just how many Christians are appalled by Palin’s twisted misrepresentation of our faith.
We’re launching a statement to the media, denouncing her remarks and setting the record straight about baptism, torture, and violence. Will you add your name?
Read and sign our statement: For Christians, torture is not a joke…