The Liberating Theologies conference is a one-day experience exploring varying theologies with an emphasis on liberation and inclusion for the oppressed and marginalized. This event is for you if you are interested in making a significant contribution to culture-shift in the South. We are deeply invested in moving the state towards being a place where LGBTQ people are affirmed and celebrated. The Liberating Theologies Speaker Series is an opportunity for people to question religious narratives and ideas that have been used to oppress people and to explore perspectives that affirm the dignity and humanity of all people. Join us to reawaken the activist in your and become equipped with perspectives that have the power to change minds, hearts, and policies.
Featured speakers:
- The Rev. Dr. Keri Day will be speaking on The Future of Theology. Day is an Associate Professor of Constructive Theology and African American Religion at Princeton Theological Seminary in Princeton, NJ. Her teaching and research interests are in womanist/feminist theologies, social critical theory, cultural studies, economics, and Afro-Pentecostalism. In 2017, she was recognized by ABC News as one of six black women at the center of gravity in theological education in America.
- John Boopalan will be speaking on Dismantling Oppressive Theologies. Boopalan is a Post-Doctoral Fellow at Episcopal Divinity School in Cambridge, MA. His recently published essays include “Afterword: Justice Amidst Violence: Missed and Available Opportunities” in Mirage: A Sri Lankan Dalit Novel (2016) and “Doing Constructive Theology with B. R. Ambedkar: Where Theology and Ethics Kiss” in Bangalore Theological Forum (2016).
- The Rev. Dr. Pamela Lightsey will be speaking on Womanist Theology. Lightsey is the Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs, Associate Professor of Constructive Theology at Meadville Lombard Theological Seminary. Following service in the US Army and work as a civil servant, she received her academic and theological training at Columbus State University (BS), Gammon Seminary of the Interdenominational Theological Center (M.Div.) and Garrett-Evangelical Theological School (Ph.D.). Throughout her vocational life, she has been a leading social justice activist, working with local, national and international organizations focusing primarily on the causes of peacemaking, racial justice, and LGBTQ rights.
- There will be a panel discussion following the speaker’s presentations. Bishop Tonyia M. Rawls, The Freedom Center for Social Justice’s Founder and Executive Director, will moderate the conversation.
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