More information is available here.
Registration is available here.
Keynote Speaker: Marcia Owen, Former Director of the Religious Coalition for a Nonviolent Durham
Luncheon Speaker: Rev Carolyn Schuldt, Executive Director of Open Table Ministry, Durham
Opening Worship: Rev. Carl Kenney, Pastor and Writer
Closing Worship: Bishop Will Willimon; Bishop in the United Methodist Church
Schedule: Registration will begin at 9:30 AM. The program will begin at 10 AM with words of welcome by Rev Jon Strother, host pastor Jarvis UMC Greenville. Opening worship will begin at 10:10 AM. The Keynote Address will be 10:45 -11:20, including some time for Q &A. After a short break, the first workshop will be 11:30 AM – 12:30 PM. Lunch, including the luncheon speaker will be 12:30-1:30 PM. A second workshop will be 1:30-2:30 PM. Closing worship will begin at 2:45 and end no later than 3:45 PM.
Workshops/Speakers (Working Titles only; Subject to Change)
First Americans: Rev. Terry Hunt (confirmed), possibly with Gary Locklear .
Immigrant Rights: Jose Luis Villasenor, Apex UMC Fiesta Cristiana. Ernesto Barigurette
Islamophobia: Manzoor Cheema.
Homeless & Helpless. This workshop will be offered by:
– Greenville Shelter Director Bob Williams
– Trillium (Managed Care Organization) Local Office Director Keith Ledgeworth
– Both NAMI Chapter Leaders-Christine Spencer and Millie Hagler
– Rev. David W. Girod, ACT Case Manager for over 4 years, currently In-Reach Specialist for MCO in Central NC
– Leona Love, LCSW, Assertive Community Treatment Team Leader, Pathways To Life.
For First Americans drop Gary Locklear.
Relating to Persons with Disabilities. Cathy Green, UMC Persons with Disabilities Mission
Welcoming LGBTQ Community. Helen Ryde-Southeastern Coordinator for Reconciling Ministries Network and Reverend Tuck Taylor Loveland, Pastor at Black Creek UMC and Assistant to the District Superintendant Heritage District.
Workshops will be repeated, if possible, allowing people to attend two workshops during the conference.
The NC Conference Board of Church and Society
The NC Council of Churches
Registration Fees
Advance Registration for Jack Crum Conference only: $25 (regular); $12.50 (students)
Day of Event Jack Crum only: $30 (regular); $15 (students)
Jack Crum Conference & NCCC Legislative Seminar: $40. MFSA will give $20 to NCCC.
Jack Crum plus MFSA membership: $80
Jack Crum, MFSA membership, and Gayle Felton luncheon: $90
Jack Crum, MFS membership, Gayle Felton luncheon, and NCCC Seminar: $110