The NC Council of Churches’ 2018 Critical Issues Seminar will focus on women. The theme for this daylong event is “The Wisdom of Women” and will cover topics such as the the Equal Rights Amendment, sexual harassment and work place policy, elected office, health care, and public education. This conference is for people of all ages, genders, and ethnic and racial backgrounds. Co-sponsors for this year’s event are AFL-CIO, Church Women United, Women Advance NC, MomsRising, NARAL, ERA NC, and the NC Faith Forward Coalition.
Check-in will begin at 8:15 a.m.
Opening worship will begin at 9 a.m. and be led by The Rev. Dr. Donna Coletrane Battle. Donna is a native of Yanceyville, NC and currently serves as the chaplain at Meredith College. She was ordained in May 2005 by the Cedar Grove Missionary Baptist Association. Donna holds a BA in Public Relations from NC A&T State University, a M.Div. from Duke University and recently earned a Ph.D. in Marriage and Family Therapy at Eastern University.
Following worship at 10:15 a.m. Anita Earls will deliver this year’s keynote address. Anita is a civil rights attorney with 30 years’ experience litigating voting rights and other civil rights cases in partnership with community-based organizations. She was the founder and Executive Director of the Southern Coalition for Social Justice, a non-profit legal advocacy organization in Durham, North Carolina. She left that position in January 2018 to run for a seat on the North Carolina Supreme Court.
After lunch, a variety of workshops will be offered in two sessions. Detailed information on available workshops can be found by here.
Click here to register. The cost is $25 for the general public and $15 for students. The Council is once again partnering with the Jack Crum Conference to offer a special discounted rate of $40 to attend both events.