Celebrate Our 90th Anniversary with us!

Documentary Screening: Wilmington on Fire

First Baptist Church Family Life Center 101 South Wilmington Street, Raleigh, NC, United States

During both the pre- and post-Civil War eras, lynching was used with impunity by patrols of KKK members to intimidate, terrorize, incarcerate and kill black people. Then as now, unpunished acts of racial intimidation and violence by citizens and officers sworn to protect and serve the people, perpetuate racism in today’s criminal justice system. Please […]


Reentry Simulation

Benson Memorial United Methodist Church 4706 Creedmoor Road, Raleigh, NC, United States

Join Benson Memorial UMC and OurJourney for a Reentry Simulation event. Experience the challenges of reentering society post-incarceration through immersive role-play. Navigate a month in the life of an individual recently released from jail, engaging with realistic scenarios like obtaining identification, attending counseling, and interacting with parole officers. Gain empathy, connect with the community, and […]