Download Our Faithful Voter Reflection Guide!

Healthy Communities, Healthy Churches Summit

Christ Episcopal Ministry Center 311 Middle Street, New Bern, NC, United States

Partners in Health and Wholeness (PHW) is co-sponsoring a Healthy Communities, Healthy Churches Summit on Saturday, September 7 from 10am-3pm in New Bern (Christ Episcopal Ministry Center, 311 Middle Street). The Summit will provide information on local health initiatives, funding opportunities for faith-based organizations, as well as information on the upcoming Affordable Care Act. Other […]

Free: Lunch Provided

2019 Medicaid Expansion Advocacy Day

North Carolina Museum of History 5 East Edenton Street, Raleigh, NC

On February 27, 2019, North Carolinians from the mountains to the sea will join together in Raleigh to tell our lawmakers that we want to close the health insurance coverage gap by expanding Medicaid during this legislative session. We would love for you to join us! This event is free and open to the public. […]


Healthcare Can’t Wait

Approximately half a million North Carolinians do not have access to proper insurance. For too many of us, the urgency to expand health access is a life and death situation. On June 5, 2019, people will gather at locations across the state to remember and honor the people who have suffered or died because they […]


The Opioid Crisis: The Faith Community Responds – Virtual Clergy Breakfast

ZOOM NC, United States

DUE TO THE EFFECTS OF COVID-19, THIS EVENT HAS BEEN RESCHEDULED AND WILL BE HELD VIRTUALLY. Are you interested in learning more about the state of North Carolina when it comes to the opioid crisis? Are you interested in learning more about ways your faith community can get involved? Join us virtually for breakfast as […]

Voting our Values: Forum on Moral Health Policies


This August and September, NCIPL will host an eight-week forum series detailing the important issues facing us this election. These events will highlight our voter reflection guide, feature expert speakers, and educate attendees on policy as well as voting during a pandemic. The second event in our series, held on August 19th from 12-1pm, will […]

Voting our Values: Forum on Moral Health Policies


This August and September, NCIPL will host an eight-week forum series detailing the important issues facing us this election. These events will highlight our voter reflection guide, feature expert speakers, and educate attendees on policy as well as voting during a pandemic. The second event in our series, held on August 19th from 12-1pm, will […]

Virtual HKonJ Moral March & People’s Assembly 2021


The annual HKonJ (Historic Thousands on Jones Street) Moral March and People's Assembly 2021 is happening virtually and online this year. Due to Covid, we cannot gather on Fayetteville Street, but there will still be a big caravan, music, speakers and a livestream! To register for the motorcade kickoff on February 6, click here. Check out the NAACP HKonJ […]