Immigrant rights is one of the defining civil rights struggles of our time. Our work at the Council focuses on providing faith-based resources for congregations and faith communities to think and speak theologically about our encounters with our neighbors. At the same time, we are helping to mobilize people of faith, connecting them with grassroots movements and legislative efforts to empower immigrants here in North Carolina.
Since its inception more than 90 years ago, the Council has been actively pursuing a platform of peace and social justice across the state. One of the founding issues for us in 1935 was opposition to segregation and support for racial justice; the Council has long supported the rights of vulnerable and excluded people.
Our commitment to the local immigrant community expands to advocating for the rights of farmworkers, refugees, asylees, and migrants from all over the world. This commitment remains consistent with our founding principles since current immigrants (especially those who are not documented) are a significant population of vulnerable and excluded people.
Denominational Resources
- Christian Churches (Disciples of Christ)
- Church of the Brethren
- Episcopal Church
- Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
- Metropolitan Community Church
- Mennonite Church USA
- Presbyterian Church USA
- Reformed Church in America
- United Church of Christ
- United Methodist Church
Resources for Immigrants
Call an immigration hotline: to report raids, seek help if you are detained, or report missing migrants.
- National Immigration Detention Hotline: 1-209-757-3733
- NAKASEC hotline: 1-844-500-3222
- United We Dream report a raid: 1-844-363-1423
Spanish-Language Emergency Guide for Immigrant Families
El Pueblo designed the Familias Seguras, una guía de emergencia para migrantes (Safe Families, an Emergency Guide for Migrants), providing critical information on immigrant rights and how to exercise them when encountering law enforcement or ICE agents. The guide also offers recommendations for developing a family plan to prepare for potential detention or deportation.
Red Cards / Tarjetas Rojas
All people in the United States, regardless of immigration status, have certain rights and protections under the U.S. Constitution. The Immigration Legal Resources Center’s (ILRC) Red Cards help people assert their rights and defend themselves in many situations, such as when ICE agents go to a home.
Todas las personas en los Estados Unidos – sin importar su estatus migratorio – tienen derechos y protecciones bajo la constitución del país. Nuestras Tarjetas Rojas ayudan a los inmigrantes ejercer esos derechos y protegerse en muchas situaciones, como cuando agentes de inmigración visitan nuestras viviendas.
NC – Immigrant Solidarity Fund
The NC-Immigrant Solidarity Fund (NC-ISF) is a statewide, grassroots effort to provide humanitarian assistance to vulnerable immigrant families, regardless of status. If you’re an ally, consider contributing to the fund! Your support provides emergency financial assistance to undocumented and mixed-status families facing hardship due to ICE detention, deportation, urgent crises, or natural disasters.
La Línea de Defensa?
The Defensa Hotline by Siembra NC is a first line of contact for collective fights and resources for the community. You can call the línea if you: You suspect ICE or police activity in your local community or you are experiencing workplace issues like stolen wages at your job.
Organizations around the state:
- Carolina Migrant Network (Charlotte)
- El Pueblo (Raleigh)
- CIMA (Asheville)
- Centro Unido Latino Americano (McDowell County)
- Amexcan (Greenville)
- Siembra NC (Greensboro/Triad)
The Council takes positions on issues through policy statements that inform, guide, and frame our work. Policy statements are adopted by our governing body, often upon the recommendation of one or more of the Council’s program committees which are made up of representatives of our member bodies.
- Statement Affirming the Ministry of Sanctuary by Congregations (3/8/2018)
- Statement on Local Immigration Enforcement (12/2/2008)
- Support for Comprehensive Immigration Reform (12/5/2006)
- Our Increasing Latino Population (11/12/2002)
- American Friends Service Committee (statewide)
- Episcopal Farmworker Ministry (Newton Grove)
- FaithAction International House (Greensboro)
- Farmworker Advocacy Network (statewide)
- Centro La Comunidad (Burlington)
- Centro Latino of Hickory (Hickory)
- Compañeros Inmigrantes de las Montañas en Acción (CIMA) (Western NC)
- El Centro Hispano (Durham)
- El Futuro (Carrboro, Durham, Siler City)
- El Pueblo (Raleigh)
- The Hispanic League (Winston-Salem)
- Hispanic Liaison / El Vínculo Hispano (Chatham County)
- Latin American Women’s Association (Charlotte)
- National Farm Worker Ministry
- NC Justice Center (statewide)
- Siembra NC (Greensboro)
Take Action
NC – Immigrant Solidarity Fund
The NC-Immigrant Solidarity Fund (NC-ISF) is a statewide, grassroots effort to provide humanitarian assistance to vulnerable immigrant families, regardless of status. Consider contributing to the fund! Your support provides emergency financial assistance to undocumented and mixed-status families facing hardship due to ICE detention, deportation, urgent crises, or natural disasters.