Sojourners, a leading publication on the intersection of faith, politics and culture, ran a Feb. 16 blog about the upcoming conference opposing torture and being co-sponsored by the Council in Durham.
The two-day event runs March 25 and 26, 2011, and is hosted by the Duke Divinity School. “Toward a Moral Consensus on Torture” is also sponsored by the Duke Human Rights Center and the National Religious Campaign Against Torture (NRCAT). Amy Laura Hall, the associate professor of Christian ethics who is quoted in Sojourners, is coordinating the conference and will be moderating sessions.
This event aims to equip participants to understand the arguments against torture and to prepare them for anti-torture advocacy within their own communities, trusting that the greatest protection against the U.S. government’s use of torture is a shared understanding that torture is always wrong.
Please visit the TAMCAT website for more information or to register by the March 18 deadline.
–Aleta Payne, Development and Communications