Everyone eats.
How and from where we get that food, how much is available to us, how it is grown, and what happens when there isn’t enough all have implications for our world and its inhabitants. We need to consider this very fundamental part of our lives as a faith issue. So we hope you’ll join us for the 2012 Critical Issues Seminar, Eating Well: For Ourselves, For Our Neighbors, For Our Planet as we explore topics like the economics of hunger in the midst of plenty, food and water insecurity and peace, buying local, food and spirituality, issues of climate change and personal health, and more.
The seminar takes place Thursday, April 19, from 8:30 to 3:30 at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in Winston-Salem. Rev. Michael Curry, Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of North Carolina will be the preacher for the day, and a number of dynamic, thoughtful speakers will be joining us to lead workshop sessions.
Watch for more information, including important updates about speakers and additional activities, to be posted on the website soon.
–Aleta Payne, Development and Communications