This week, President Obama and Chinese President Xi Jinping – leaders of the world’s two biggest polluters – announced a “historic agreement.”
Each country committed to reducing its nation’s carbon emissions: The US will reduce emissions by 26-28% below 2005 levels by 2025, while China agreed to peak its carbon dioxide emissions by 2030, with 20% of its energy coming from renewable sources.
These actions alone are not nearly enough, friends – but they signal a hopeful chapter in global climate negotiations and represent the progress we can make over the next two years if President Obama remains committed.
Some in Congress have said commitment from China would be a necessary precursor to further action by the U.S. Now that China is engaged, there is no more reason for the US not to lead.
Right now, we need to show that we support President Obama’s actions in reaching this agreement with China and that he needs to keep pushing our movement forward. Please sign our thank-you card and urge him to continue defending our environment and leading our nation with moral conscience.
Everyone has a voice. Now is the time to share our voices with friends, family and political leaders to bring awareness to climate change. Together, we can support our political leaders in taking action on climate change!