On February 5, the Council hosted an opening reception to see the work of Pulitzer Prize winning photographer José Galvez at City Gallery, 118 South Person Street in Raleigh. Video from opening night is below.
For more than 40 years, José Galvez has used black and white film to create a powerful and unparalleled historical record of the Latino experience in America. His compelling work, done with respect, pride and no pretense, captures the beauty of daily life. For José, photographing the lives of Latinos is not a one-time project or “current passion” but a lifelong commitment.
The reception was part of the First Friday Gallery Walk and was made possible through the NC Council of Churches, Vintage Church and the City Gallery and generous funding from Z. Smith Reynolds. The show will be up all February.
And coverage by WRAL begins at the 9:50 mark below in this video