Joy Williams of Partners in Health and Wholeness, a Christian-based organization, will collaborate with churches and the parish nurse on Monday, Nov. 28, at 5:30 p.m. in the fellowship hall of Elizabethtown Presbyterian Church at 800 W. Broad St. (across from the Municipal Building), to make local churches healthier for the glory of God.
Each year in North Carolina, thousands of people die of preventable diseases and almost 1.5 million North Carolinians currently lack health insurance.
As Christians, we follow Christ, The Great Physician; someone who heals the sick, guides the lost, and liberates the oppressed. The N.C. Council of Churches shares God’s concern for all areas of our lives — our mental, physical and spiritual well-being. We believe that the Church remains an institution of great influence in the community and that faith leaders have a unique opportunity to positively impact the lives of congregants.
The parish nurse of Bladen County is in full support of this event and has gone to great lengths to write, meet, and work with churches to attend. All churches should send at least one representative to learn about the resources and opportunities available for 2012. If you are a pastor, leader or member who desires to support the concept of health as a faith issue and acknowledge that our bodies are God’s temple then please join us on Nov. 28 at 5:30 at Elizabethtown Presbyterian Church at 800 W. Broad Street. A light supper will be provided. Call the parish nurse of Bladen HealthCare at 910 876-3225 to register.
By partnering with Churches in Bladen County, we will support efforts to create healthy and whole congregants by connecting them with quality health programs and providing tools to help you promote health and wholeness in your congregation. It is our sincere prayer that these materials will not only improve your health and the health of those you love and serve, but that they will increase our effectiveness, as one body, to change the world!
Accept the call to lead your congregation into better health through the Partners in Health and Wholeness Initiative. By making a few changes congregants can potentially add years to their lives and reduce their risk of developing certain diseases — heart disease and stroke, diabetes, and some cancers.
Partners in Health and Wholeness, an initiative of the North Carolina Council of Churches, is generously funded by the Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina Foundation and the Kate B. Reynolds Charitable Trust.