A growing movement of immigrant and faith communities have committed to doing what Congress and the Administration refuse to do: protect and stand with immigrants facing deportation.
However, many congregations have questions. Who is seeking sanctuary? Who leads sanctuary? How do faith communities declare sanctuary? To answer these questions, the NC Religious Coalition for Justice for Immigrants has created a brand new six-week E-course. Each week, you will receive a different course in your inbox. This course has been updated from the previous course to include new videos, podcasts, and readings about sanctuary, and includes a new week focused specifically on alternatives to physical sanctuary.
Click here to register. Prior to registering for the course you will be asked to create a username and password.
The cost is $5 and the course is available for 12 weeks. Access expires six weeks after the final lesson.
For questions, email Jennie Belle at jennie@ncchurches.org.