Celebrate Our 90th Anniversary with us!

Sanctuary Matters: Testimony and Best Practices

United Church of Chapel Hill 1321 Martin Luther King Blvd., Chapel Hill, NC, United States

Sanctuary Matters: Testimony and Best Practices: A Weekend of Reflection & Training September 16, 9 a.m.-12:30 p.m. and Sunday, September 17 United Church of Chapel Hill 1321 Martin Luther King Boulevard, Chapel Hill In light of recent events involving the deportation and fears of our immigrant brothers and sisters throughout the state, the NC Council […]


Sanctuary Matters: Testimony and Best Practices

Community United Church of Christ 814 Dixie Trail , Raleigh, NC, United States

In light of recent events involving the deportation and fears of our immigrant brothers and sisters throughout the state, the NC Council of Churches’ annual Faith & Immigration Summit will focus on the topic of sanctuary this year. Our families, friends, neighbors and co-workers are terrified about being detained and deported; profiled because of their religion, […]


Better Together NC

Hillsborough United Church of Christ 200 Davis Road, Hillsborough

Join the LGBTQ Center of Durham, Orange County Community Partners, and the North Carolina Council of Churches for a community conversation about how we can work together to resist hate and oppression in all its forms. Now more than ever, local rural communities can come together in Orange county and discuss how we can create sanctuaries for everyone, […]

Better Together NC

Episcopal Farmworker Ministry 2989 Easy Street, Dunn

Join the LGBTQ Center of Durham, Sampson County Community Partners, and the North Carolina Council of Churches for a community conversation about how we can work together to resist hate and oppression in all its forms. Now more than ever, local rural communities can come together in Orange county and discuss how we can create sanctuaries for everyone, […]

Better Together NC

Mayco D. Bigelow Community Center 849 Sharpe Road, Burlington

Join the LGBTQ Center of Durham, Alamance County Community Partners, and the North Carolina Council of Churches for a community conversation about how we can work together to resist hate and oppression in all its forms. Now more than ever, local rural communities can come together in Orange county and discuss how we can create sanctuaries for everyone, […]

12th Annual Moral March on Raleigh and HKonJ People’s Assembly

Memorial Auditorium 2 East South Street, Raleigh, NC, United States

The Moral March on Raleigh is part of a love and justice movement working on an intersectional agenda to support public education, economic sustainability, workers’ rights and livable wages, health care for all, Medicaid expansion, environmental justice, equal protection under the law without regard to race, immigration status, gender, gender identity or sexual orientation, voting […]


Wild Goose Festival

Hot Springs Campgrounds Hot Springs, NC, United States

The Wild Goose Festival is a 4-day art, music, and story-driven transformational experience grounded in faith-inspired social justice. Come to not only learn from incredible speakers, but also to engage in robust and respectful conversation with thought leaders, writers, dreamers, artists, visionaries, and social justice activists. The 2018 collection of co-creaters includes Jen Hatmaker, Jon […]

NC No Torture Interfaith Prayer Vigil – Raleigh

Pullen Memorial Baptist Church 1801 Hillsborough Street, Raleigh, NC, United States

You’re invited to an interfaith gathering to remember victims of the U.S. torture program.  The vigil will offer an opportunity to meditate, hear speakers from several traditions, and join voices, hands, and hearts with others who believe North Carolina has a responsibility to those who were transported for torture in NC jets. Aero Contractors, headquartered […]

NC No Torture Prayer Vigil – Greensboro

Governmental Plaza 110 Greene Street, Greensboro

You’re invited to a gathering of people of faith to remember victims of the U.S. torture program.  The vigil will offer an opportunity to meditate, hear speakers from several traditions, and join voices, hands, and hearts with others who believe North Carolina has a responsibility to those who were transported for torture in NC jets. […]

NC No Torture Interfaith Prayer Vigil – Johnston County

Johnston County Courthouse 212 East Market Street, Smithfield

You’re invited to an interfaith gathering to remember the victims of the CIA’s rendition and torture program.  The vigils will offer an opportunity to hear speakers from several faith traditions, meditate and to join with fellow citizens who believe North Carolina has a responsibility to call for transparency and accountability for those who were transported […]

13th Annual Moral March on Raleigh and HKonJ People’s Assembly

Memorial Auditorium 2 East South Street, Raleigh, NC, United States

The Moral March on Raleigh is part of a love and justice movement working on an intersectional agenda to support public education, economic sustainability, workers’ rights and livable wages, health care for all, Medicaid expansion, environmental justice, equal protection under the law without regard to race, immigration status, gender, gender identity or sexual orientation, voting […]

Wilmington Roadshow Lunch

St. Andrew's on-the-Sound 101 Airlie Road, Wilmington

Join the Council for lunch to learn a bit of our history and current initiatives along with strategies and visions for going forward.  We are made of 18 denominations across the state and work in multiple arenas ranging from Immigration to the Environment, from Living Wage advocacy to the Opioid Crisis -- matters that affect […]

Liberating Theologies Speaker Series

Charlotte Museum of History 3500 Shamrock Drive, Charlotte

The Liberating Theologies conference is a one-day experience exploring varying theologies with an emphasis on liberation and inclusion for the oppressed and marginalized. This event is for you if you are interested in making a significant contribution to culture-shift in the South. We are deeply invested in moving the state towards being a place where […]

Wild Goose Festival 2019

Hot Springs Campgrounds Hot Springs, NC, United States

The Wild Goose Festival is a 4-day art, music, and story-driven transformational experience grounded in faith-inspired social justice. Come to not only learn from incredible speakers, but also to engage in robust and respectful conversation with thought leaders, writers, dreamers, artists, visionaries, and social justice activists. The 2019 collection of co-creaters includes Nadia Bolz-Weber, Diana […]

Documentary Screening: Wilmington on Fire

First Baptist Church Family Life Center 101 South Wilmington Street, Raleigh, NC, United States

During both the pre- and post-Civil War eras, lynching was used with impunity by patrols of KKK members to intimidate, terrorize, incarcerate and kill black people. Then as now, unpunished acts of racial intimidation and violence by citizens and officers sworn to protect and serve the people, perpetuate racism in today’s criminal justice system. Please […]


“Braided Prayer” Documentary Release


In historically divisive times, it’s good to be reminded that we don’t have to be the same in order to form deep friendships and create community and art together. Join fellow people of faith for a virtual screening of Braided Prayer, the 18-minute documentary produced by John Kennedy and David Saich, that follows Abraham Jam, […]