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Sanctuary Matters: Testimony & Best Practices

Community United Church of Christ 814 Dixie Trail , Raleigh, NC, United States

Sunday, September 17, 2 -5 p.m. Community United Church of Christ 814 Dixie Trail, Raleigh Cost: $5 * Scholarships are available, email jennie@ncchurches.org In light of recent events involving the deportation and fears of our immigrant brothers and sisters throughout the state, the NC Council of Churches’ annual Faith & Immigration Summit will focus on […]


Benefit Concert for Women in Sanctuary

LeBauer Park 208 North Davie Street, Greensboro, NC

Juana Luz Tobar Ortega and Minerva Cisneros Garcia are currently in sanctuary in two churches in Greensboro: St. Barnabas Episcopal Church and Congregational United Church of Christ. This benefit concert will provide funds for legal fees, support for their families, and seed money for other faith communities considering becoming sanctuary congregations. Click here to learn […]


Sanctuary Matters: Testimony and Best Practices

United Church of Chapel Hill 1321 Martin Luther King Blvd., Chapel Hill, NC, United States

Sanctuary Matters: Testimony and Best Practices: A Weekend of Reflection & Training September 16, 9 a.m.-12:30 p.m. and Sunday, September 17 United Church of Chapel Hill 1321 Martin Luther King Boulevard, Chapel Hill In light of recent events involving the deportation and fears of our immigrant brothers and sisters throughout the state, the NC Council […]


Sanctuary Matters: Testimony and Best Practices

Community United Church of Christ 814 Dixie Trail , Raleigh, NC, United States

In light of recent events involving the deportation and fears of our immigrant brothers and sisters throughout the state, the NC Council of Churches’ annual Faith & Immigration Summit will focus on the topic of sanctuary this year. Our families, friends, neighbors and co-workers are terrified about being detained and deported; profiled because of their religion, […]


Sanctuary E-Course

A growing movement of immigrant and faith communities have committed to doing what Congress and the Administration refuse to do: protect and stand with immigrants facing deportation. However, many congregations have questions. Who is seeking sanctuary? Who leads sanctuary? How do faith communities declare sanctuary? To answer these questions, the NC Religious Coalition for Justice […]

Sanctuary E-Course

Online Course NC

A growing movement of immigrant and faith communities have committed to doing what Congress and the Administration refuse to do: protect and stand with immigrants facing deportation. However, many congregations have questions. Who is seeking sanctuary? Who leads sanctuary? How do faith communities declare sanctuary? To answer these questions, the NC Religious Coalition for Justice […]


12th Annual Moral March on Raleigh and HKonJ People’s Assembly

Memorial Auditorium 2 East South Street, Raleigh, NC, United States

The Moral March on Raleigh is part of a love and justice movement working on an intersectional agenda to support public education, economic sustainability, workers’ rights and livable wages, health care for all, Medicaid expansion, environmental justice, equal protection under the law without regard to race, immigration status, gender, gender identity or sexual orientation, voting […]


Pilgrimage for Justice and Peace

NC State Capitol 1 East Edenton Street, Raleigh, NC, United States

A series of events highlighting the issues around immigrant and farmworker rights and the sanctuary movement. Stops include Asheville, Morganton, Charlotte, Winston-Salem, Greensboro, Chapel Hill, Durham, and Raleigh. The pilgrimage will conclude with the Economic Justice Way of the Cross on Good Friday, March 30, at noon on the steps of the State Capitol building. More detailed information about […]

Wild Goose Festival

Hot Springs Campgrounds Hot Springs, NC, United States

The Wild Goose Festival is a 4-day art, music, and story-driven transformational experience grounded in faith-inspired social justice. Come to not only learn from incredible speakers, but also to engage in robust and respectful conversation with thought leaders, writers, dreamers, artists, visionaries, and social justice activists. The 2018 collection of co-creaters includes Jen Hatmaker, Jon […]

13th Annual Moral March on Raleigh and HKonJ People’s Assembly

Memorial Auditorium 2 East South Street, Raleigh, NC, United States

The Moral March on Raleigh is part of a love and justice movement working on an intersectional agenda to support public education, economic sustainability, workers’ rights and livable wages, health care for all, Medicaid expansion, environmental justice, equal protection under the law without regard to race, immigration status, gender, gender identity or sexual orientation, voting […]

Wilmington Roadshow Lunch

St. Andrew's on-the-Sound 101 Airlie Road, Wilmington

Join the Council for lunch to learn a bit of our history and current initiatives along with strategies and visions for going forward.  We are made of 18 denominations across the state and work in multiple arenas ranging from Immigration to the Environment, from Living Wage advocacy to the Opioid Crisis -- matters that affect […]

Come to the Table Conference

Friendship Missionary Baptist Church 3400 Beatties Ford Road, Charlotte

We invite faith leaders and laypeople, hunger relief advocates, farmers, farm workers, community organizers, community gardeners, food council members, extension agents and others to join us next March to examine the root causes of hunger and collaborate to build a more just food system. At the 2019 Come to the Table Conference, we hope to […]

2019 Legislative Seminar

North Raleigh United Methodist Church 8501 Honeycutt Road, Raleigh

Click here to register. Please register by Monday, March 25 to guarantee lunch. Whether you are new to grassroots advocacy or have been engaged in this critical work for some time, the NC Council of Churches' Legislative Seminar offers the opportunity to hear updates on issues being discussed at the General Assembly, network with others […]

Wild Goose Festival 2019

Hot Springs Campgrounds Hot Springs, NC, United States

The Wild Goose Festival is a 4-day art, music, and story-driven transformational experience grounded in faith-inspired social justice. Come to not only learn from incredible speakers, but also to engage in robust and respectful conversation with thought leaders, writers, dreamers, artists, visionaries, and social justice activists. The 2019 collection of co-creaters includes Nadia Bolz-Weber, Diana […]

Welcome the Stranger: Supporting Refugees through Sponsorship


Join us for a webinar alongside Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS), the oldest refugee agency in the U.S., to learn how faith communities and people of faith can become sponsor groups and support refugees in building new lives in the U.S. Participants will learn about private sponsorship through Welcome Corps with HIAS. This program enables […]

Waiting With Purpose: Standing with our Undocumented Neighbors this Advent


Mondays, December 2 - 23, Noon - 1 p.m. Online The hallmark of Advent is preparation while waiting. We wait for the incarnation by preparing for its reality, ensuring that when the nativity occurs, we are ready. Similarly, as we await new procedures directed at our undocumented neighbors, we must prepare rather than wait passively. […]