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Leading Trauma-Informed Programs and Ministries


Join Crystal Imes and Annette Snider, certified Connections Matter trainers with Prevent Child abuse NC, for part two of their ACEs (Adverse Childhood Experiences) and trauma series. Participants will explore NETworX’s trauma-informed approaches to build authentic relationships across common divisions like wealth, race, and culture. Crystal and Annette will open a discussion with participants on how […]

Sacred Conversations: The Spirituality of Loneliness in Life’s Second Chapter


CLICK HERE TO REGISTER. Covid-19 has revealed yet another epidemic among us: of loneliness and isolation. The challenges they present to mental health and spiritual well-being can be particularly difficult for those in the second chapter of life, including people of faith, and faith leaders. Yet too often, stigma and a misconception of the root […]

Sacred Conversations: The Church at the Center of the Covid Pandemic


Partners in Health and Wholeness, an initiative of the North Carolina Council of Churches, invites faith and lay leaders to join us for our next Sacred Conversations event on Wednesday, November 18 at 12 p.m., titled "The Church at the Center of the COVID Pandemic." Participants will hear from guest speakers from the NC Department […]

Sacred Conversations: The Church at the Center of the COVID Pandemic


Partners in Health and Wholeness, an initiative of the North Carolina Council of Churches, invites faith and lay leaders to join us for our next Sacred Conversations event on Wednesday, November 18 at 12 p.m., titled "The Church at the Center of the COVID Pandemic." Participants will hear from guest speakers from the NC Department […]

Fifth Annual John W. Hatch FaithHealth Lecture


The Division of FaithHealth Ministries of Wake Forest Baptist Health and Shaw University Divinity School invite you to the Fifth Annual John W. Hatch FaithHealth Lecture Series.  The Hatch Series engages faith and health leaders in thought provoking dialogue reflective of the strength of faith-health intersections in improving population health and building stronger communities. Keynote speakers […]

Wellness & Immune Health


Due to COVID-19, we want to highlight the best ways to support immune health. Join PHW and Holley Dagenhardt, MA, RDN, LDN on Friday, December 4, for a conversation on fundamental wellness behaviors - hydration, food choices, physical activity, sleep, and stress - and how these behaviors impact our immune health. Registration is not required, […]

“Braided Prayer” Documentary Release


In historically divisive times, it’s good to be reminded that we don’t have to be the same in order to form deep friendships and create community and art together. Join fellow people of faith for a virtual screening of Braided Prayer, the 18-minute documentary produced by John Kennedy and David Saich, that follows Abraham Jam, […]

Celebrating Christmas in a Time of Fear


Join us and NC Poet Laureate Jaki Shelton Green for a Zoom discussion on one of James Baldwin's essays, Equal in Paris, written shortly before Christmas 1949. Jaki Shelton Green will facilitate a discussion exploring the themes in Baldwin's work that continue to provide insights that illuminate our contemporary realities concerning America's ongoing racial dilemma. This […]

Elder Abuse: The Impact of COVID-19


Covid-19 has revealed yet another epidemic among us: of loneliness and isolation. The challenges they present to mental health and spiritual well-being can be particularly difficult for those in the second chapter of life. On top of that, elderly individuals can also be victims of abuse. Join the Centralina Area Agency on Aging for a […]

Winter 2021 Caregiver College


Join MemoryCare Inc. for their 2021 Caregiver College, a series of six modules provided for caregivers of persons with memory disorders. Sessions are designed to improve caregiver understanding of different aspects of dementia care. The course will be led by MemoryCare, Inc. staff with guest speaker Elder Law Attorney Caroline Knox. Registration is required: contact […]

Becoming a Trauma-Informed Faith Community


You are invited to join Partners in Health and Wholeness and the UMC Northern Piedmont District for “Becoming a Trauma-Informed Faith Community.” We will define what a trauma-informed faith community is, how to become one, and look at the various ways in which faith communities can productively address trauma. This work is crucial as we […]

Becoming a Trauma-Informed Faith Community


You are invited to join Partners in Health and Wholeness and the UMC Northern Piedmont District for “Becoming a Trauma-Informed Faith Community.” We will define what a trauma-informed faith community is, how to become one, and look at the various ways in which faith communities can productively address trauma. This work is crucial as we […]

The COVID-19 Vaccine Strategy and the Church


Join Partners in Health and Wholeness, an initiative of the North Carolina Council of Churches, in partnership with the NC Department of Health and Human Services (NCDHHS) for a webinar on the COVID-19 vaccine roll out in our communities. We will discuss where we are now in the process, what things will look like going […]

Powerful Tools for Family Caregivers


Join AARP for their virtual webinar on caregiving for caregivers. This interactive workshop is designed to empower family caregivers to take care of themselves while caring for a relative or friend. You will benefit from this class if you need to find more time for you while caring for someone who lives at home, in […]

Womxn’s Virtual March on Raleigh: Onward Together


In 2017, womxn and allies around the globe collectively rose up to stand against the threat to womxn’s and human rights everywhere. We marched, organized, called voters, wrote to our elected officials, and engaged in difficult conversations. Together, we discovered the power of raising our voices. Four years later, our work is as essential now as […]

Sacred Conversations: The Spirituality of Loneliness in Life’s Second Chapter, Part II


This past autumn, PHW held its first Sacred Conversation on the epidemic of loneliness and social isolation for those in life’s second chapter, particularly in the time of Covid. We were joined by spiritually integrated psychotherapist Caleb Pusey as he examined these issues through a spiritual/theological lens, and modeled evidence-based tools and storytelling, so our […]