2021 Legislative Seminar


Whether you are new to policy advocacy or have been engaged in this work for years, the Council's Legislative Seminar offers a chance to learn about the important discussions during this 2021 General Assembly session. By refracting policy through the lens of faith, we can frame a different conversation that leads to meaningful change together. […]

A Call to Courage Prayer Vigil


This past year--and these past few weeks--has been particularly trying, with our country and our state reeling from the impact of several lethal pandemics at once. Lately, the emotional swing from the hopeful news of verdict in the trial of the murder of George Floyd to the devastating news of the killings of Ma’ Khia […]

Gun Violence Prevention and its Impact on Faith and Business Communities


Join us, MomsRising, Action NC, and North Carolinians Against Gun Violence (NCGV) for a virtual town hall on gun violence prevention and the impact it has on faith and business communities. Participants will learn how the business community and faith community are addressing the issues of pervasive gun violence and the need for gun safety […]

Sacred Conversations: Preventing and Navigating Burnout

Dr. Clark Gaither is a board-certified physician that specializes in burnout. Burnout is different from stress, it is the culmination of feeling disengaged, hopeless, and emotionally exhausted. Dr. Gaither will teach us how to identify, eliminate, and prevent burnout. After a year living in a global pandemic, this event is crucial for all of us, […]

Theirs is the Kingdom Panel Discussion


At the intersection of faith and art, a new documentary called "Theirs Is The Kingdom" follows the rare creation of a fresco mural painted inside the sanctuary of the Haywood Street Congregation in Asheville, NC. This is a painting not of the rich and powerful, but of people battling homelessness, addiction, and mental illness. From first […]

Stand With Elizabeth City

Since the police shooting of Andrew Brown Jr. on April 21, 2021, local protesters have been nonviolently gathering and protesting in the streets of Elizabeth City, NC. Join us, the Repairers of the Breach, and B.R.I.D.G.E alongside clergy and moral leaders across the state of North Carolina for protest rallies at 5 p.m. on Tuesday, […]

Faith Health Connection: “Alzheimer’s Prevention and a Healthy Brain, Healthy Body”

Please join PHW for a Faith Health Connection: "Alzheimer's Prevention and a Healthy Brain, Healthy Body," on Friday, June 4, 11 a.m.  Courtenay O'Donoghue, Ph.D., Director of Program Services for the Western Carolina Chapter of the Alzheimer's Association, will lead the presentation. Given the fear and stigma that surround Alzheimer's and dementia, the subject too often […]

Alzheimer’s Association: Healthy Brain, Healthy Body, Healthy You

  For centuries, we've known that the health of the brain and the body are connected. But now, scienceis able to provide insights into how to make lifestyle choices that may help you keep your brain and body healthy as you age. During Alzheimer's & Brain Awareness month, join us to learn about research in […]

Sacred Conversations: Caretakers of Creation Part II: Faith and The Environment Q&A

We are doing things a little differently for the second Sacred Conversations in our series on faith, health and the environment. We invite you to join us as we hear from Sarah Ogletree, Program Coordinator for North Carolina Interfaith Power and Light, on her experiences working at the intersection of faith and the environment. What’s […]

Growing Communities of Inclusion: Mental Health and Harm Reduction

Join us for “Growing Communities of Inclusion: Mental Health and Harm Reduction”. This webinar will look at substance use, harm reduction, and mental health through the lens of faith. There will be tangible ideas and resources on how your faith community can get involved. Let’s eliminate stigma together. CLICK HERE TO REGISTER 

BIPOC Mental Health Grant Webinar


Join PHW for a webinar about our BIPOC Mental Health grant opportunity. PHW will provide participants with an overview of our BIPOC Mental Health Grants and how to apply. These opportunities are available to faith communities which are comprised mainly of Black, Indigenous, and People of Color. Click here to register.

The Opioid Crisis: The Faith Community Responds Clergy Breakfast in Gastonia

First United Methodist Gastonia 190 E. Franklin Blvd, Gastonia, NC, United States

Are you interested in learning more about the state of our state when it comes to opioids? Are you interested in learning more about ways your congregation can get involved with the Opioid Crisis? If so please join the Council in Gastonia, N.C. for the Opioid Crisis, the Faith Community Responds. At this breakfast, you will […]

Clergy Breakfast: The Faith Community Responds in Alamance

First United Methodist Church Elon 1630 Westbrook Ave, Elon, NC, United States

Are you interested in learning more about the state of our state when it comes to opioids? Are you interested in learning more about ways your congregation can get involved with the Opioid Crisis? If so please join the Council in Alamance County for the Opioid Crisis, the Faith Community Responds. At this breakfast, you […]

A People’s Rally at the Capitol

North Carolina State Capitol 1 E. Edenton Street, Raleigh, NC, United States

On March 14-15, 2023, the North Carolina Supreme Court will rehear and likely re-decide two crucial voting rights victories in Harper v. Hall and Holmes v. Moore. These two cases — decided by the state Supreme Court just last year — struck down not only voter ID (proven to discriminate against Black voters) but also ruled […]

Faith Health Connection: NC Senior Games


NC Senior Games will join PHW to discuss ways older adults in our faith communities can get involved in the NC Senior Games, as participants, volunteers or both. Click here to register.