We hope you’ll join us on April 14 for the Fourth Annual Jack Crum Conference on Prophetic Ministry. This annual ecumenical event takes place at Raleigh’s Fairmont United Methodist Church from 9 a.m. until 3:30 p.m. and focuses on Amendment One with the theme “For Such a Time As This: Embracing God’s Call To Protect All North Carolina Families,” based on Esther 4:12-16.
The Council is co-sponsoring the event with the North Carolina Conference Chapter of the Methodist Federation for Social Action and People of Faith to Protect All North Carolina Families. Amendment One is a proposed constitutional amendment that says the only domestic partnership that would be legally recognized in North Carolina is marriage between a man and a woman. The Council is working with others against the Amendment based on a board policy statement that opposes marriage amendments at either the state or national level because they enshrine discrimination in foundational documents which have historically been used to give rights, not to take them away.
The Jack Crum Conference is an annual gathering for North Carolina faith leaders to learn, dialogue and respond to issues related to the local history of prophetic ministry and our faith-based values of social justice. Jack was a courageous member of the NCCC staff during several years of the struggle for racial justice in the South and a recipient of the Council’s Distinguished Service Award.
The charge for the event is $25 for adults in advance and $30 at the door and for students $15 in advance and $20 at the door. To register by mail, please make the check out to MFSA-NC and send it to MFSA-NC c/o Henry Jarrett PO Box 18311 Raleigh NC 27619-8311. Registration is also available here online. Please indicate if a special meal, such as vegetarian, gluten-free, etc., is needed. The registration deadline is April 7th.
As part of our work in opposition to Amendment One, the Council is also providing a toolkit for people of faith who want to work against the Amendment.
—George Reed, Executive Director