It appears that the U.S. Senate will vote today on some sort of health care action. What they’ll be voting on, however, is unclear even to some of them. This appears to be a race so that the Senate can say that they got something done.
Please call Senator Tillis and Senator Burr today. Ask their offices if they know specifically what they’ll be voting on and how they plan to vote. Remind them that none of the plans presented so far to repeal the Affordable Care Act actually helps more people. Indeed, all would leave tens of millions more without health care coverage. And let them know that a healthy democracy requires transparency. No one is better served when critically important discussions like these are held in secret; those who are already cut out of the halls of power, our most vulnerable sisters and brothers, suffer even more.
Senator Tillis can be reached at 202-224-6342, and Senator Burr’s number is 202-224-3154.